Create An iPhone App - Easy Guide

Learn To Create An iPhone App - My Guide

How would you like to offer < a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3577649']);" href=>an iPhone application for your website or blog?

All the hardcore Objective-C developers have been having a hay-day writing apps for the iPhone. You might have even tried reading a tutorial or two about developing for the iPhone, but its C-or a form of it-and it's really hard to learn.

I don't want to say that you should give up on the objective: you can get it eventually. But in the meantime, there is something else that you can do. This involves no programming or something close to it. If you have an idea for an App, read on!
It's the buzz on the street. < a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3577649']);" href=>The iPhone has created unprecedented excitement and innovation from people both inside and outside the software development community. Still for those outside the development world, the process is a bit of a mystery.

Keep it simple in the beginning. Start with a few simple ideas and execute them. By keeping your scope relatively small, you can get things done a lot faster. You can always expand some a project, once it works.

Sketch out your idea. By "sketch" I mean literally sketch. Line out a 9-rectangle grid on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and get to sketching! Ask yourself these questions:

- What information does each screen need to present?
- How can we take the user from point A to point B to point C?
- How should elements on the screen be pro portioned or sized in relation to each other (i.e. is this thing even tap-able?)

In short: Get your idea on paper and check out how to put it into a working App. Check out iPhone App developer for dummies for more information!


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